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Contact Thailand Company Registration

You can use the contact form below to inquire about registering companies in Thailand, office set-up options in Bangkok etc. The phone number is optional, but can expedite a reply. Otherwise, you should receive an e-mail response within 24 hours.

All information submitted to www.ThailandCompany.com will remain strictly confidential. You will receive no commercial solicitations by e-mail or telephone from either us or third parties.


If you include your phone number, please let us know when is a convenient time to call you and discuss your business registration and company set-up requirements in Thailand. Please remember to include country and area codes.

See also our affiliated Thailand information and business service websites:

Information guide to Thailand for tourists and expats

Thai-English and English-Thai translation and interpreter services

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Permits, licenses | Tips | Links, ministries | Contact us, office | Home

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